Chemie Pharmacie Isotopes
The history of the development of isotopic trends in Georgia dates more than 70 years back. In August, 1945 a scientific centre was founded close to Sukhumi city, and its objective was to develop special purpose research works, including isotopic processes for nuclear power and for the system of defense. A large group of specialists from Germany were attracted to the works. Nobel Prize winner in the field of Physics, Professor Gustav Hertz, known researcher and inventor, Professor Max Steinberg, Peter Thiessen, Manfred von Ardenne; H. Barwich, and others were among them. In collaboration with soviet scientists these outstanding specialists developed the bases, production processes and equipment for various physico-chemical methods of isotopes separation, which were later used at different enterprises of the former USSR. Research works on the development of the methods of separation of such stable isotopes as boron, oxygen, carbon, nitrogen and others started in Sukhumi under the guidance of I. G. Gverdtsiteli together with the development of the analytical methods of control and methods of synthesis of compounds labeled by stable isotopes. The first pilot laboratory plants were put into operation on the base of these developments, while in 1961 the construction of a pilot plant of stable isotopes started in Tbilisi city. The first product was made in 1964. Since 1993 the Institute of Stabled Isotopes has been named after Academician I. G. Gverdtsiteli.
​Unique technology and production experience has been accumulated during more than 50 year long period; ties have been established with foreign producers and users of isotopic products.
​Today based on this know-how of CPI-Georgia has an indivisible research and production system, which represents all fields of activities: from scientific researches to the production of ready products.